Aspectos do Crescimento e Influência de Parâmetros Físicos na atividade da lacase fungo Amazônico, Trametes lactinea (Berk)
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The application of basidiomycetes in different sectors of industry and
biotechnology is increasing significantly due to its use in a wide range of areas,
including chemical, food, fuel, agriculture, paper, textiles, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals
and more. These fungi also have an essential role in the ecology of forests and their
involvement in the regulation of energy and nutrient flow are of unique importance for
these ecosystems. However, due to poor knowledge of unexplored Brazilian
biodiversity, especially in the Amazon region, this research aimed to study the
Amazonian strain (UEA_10202) of the fungus Trametes lactinea. This work aimed to
study the influence of three culture media (abricó, potato and cupuaçu residual) in
biomass production and secretion of fungal laccase from T. lactinea. The fungus
showed the highest mycelial growth at pH 4 and lower at pH 9. So much for higher
biomass production as for maximum activity of laccase was obtained in medium
supplemented with “cupuaçu residual” The condition of agitation and the presence of
inducer did not affect the biomass of T.lactinea. As for the production of laccase
agitation positively affected the activity of this enzyme for the fungus T. lactinea. In
relation to this inducer ethanol had a negative effect on laccase production from
Trametes lactinea in all media and conditions tested. The results showed that both
biomass production and laccase activity were influenced by the nutrients present in
the culture media of the fungus Trametes lactinea.