Ação carrapaticida do extrato bruto de Pycnoporus sanguineus em carrapatos da espécie Boophilus microplus
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
Boophilus microplus it is a bovine tick with ample world-wide distribution, where one searched with
this work, to characterize the Acaricides action of fungus Amazonian Pycnoporus sanguineus.
They had been tested solvent with different polarities for extraction of bimolecular of carpophores
of fungus Pycnoporus sanguineus. The effect of different concentrations of the rude extract was
evaluated of Pycnoporus sanguineus on the survival of larvae of Boophilus microplus. The
percentage of the mortality of the engorged females was calculated of Boophilus microplus in the
different concentrations of the rude extract of Pycnoporus sanguineus, well as, its tax of fertile
ovule in relation to the effectiveness of the tested product. The experiments had been lead in the
Bioorganic laboratory of the Master Degree in Biotechnology of the University of the State of
Amazon, where it was tested: larval sensitivity in impregnated papers and the sensitivity of the
females engorged in immersion tests. In general way, in the biotests with larvae the experiments
with watery extract had been the ones that had presented tax of passed mortality better 144 hours
of experiment. In this extract, the 50% concentration already after presented high percentage of
mortality in first the 48 hours of test (~86% ) totalizing 100% of mortality 144 hours the beginning of
the test. In contrast of what the ethanolic rude extract occurred for the tax of mortality in the test
with larvae, in the test with engorged females, it was what it presented better resulted. In the
concentration of 12,5% of this extract, mortality reached 100% of the passed engorged female 120
hours of the test, whereas for the concentration of 6.25%, in the same time space, provoked a
mortality of engorged females of 80%. In this same concentration (6, 25%), the watery extract, only
presented 30% of lethality for the females engorged with 120 hours after the initiated test. In
general way, the ethanol extract presents superior effectiveness to that watery one. In the 12,5%
concentration, for example, of ethanolic extract the effectiveness reaches 90%, whereas in a
bigger concentration two times the watery extract only reaches 50% of effectiveness. In the 6, 25%
concentration of ethanolic extracts shows efficiency about 45% greater of what of the watery
extract. The development of products that can be tested the field and be commercialized the
competitive prices will be steps to be followed. The bioacaricides has one appeal great advertising,
allowing controlling B. microplus in a less aggressive way to the environment.
Word-key: Boophilus microplus. Pycnoporus sanguineus. Etanólico extract. Engorged female.