Seleção de fungos isolados de plantas da Região Amazônica como fornecedores de lipases para biotransformações

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


In this work 95 fungi of the Amazon region have been studied: endophytic and phytopathogenic isolated from plants, and wood degrading. When submitted to the assay with tributyrin, 79 isolates presented indicative hydrolytic activity. Of the 79 isolates, 26 that showed better performances of growth in liquid cultures have been submitted to the biocatalytic evaluation. Among the 26 mycelium-bound lipases that were evaluated as catalysts of esterification of oleic acid with n-pentanol in hexane, isolated UEA_027 presented conversions of 72% in 72 hours of reaction. The lipase enantioselective capacity of the isolated UEA_027 was verified through the resolution of (R,S)-2-hexanol and of (R,S)2-octanol by transesterification with vinyl acetate and hexane as solvent. The selected fungus resolved the alcohol (R,S)-2-octanol with enantiomeric excess of product above 88% and enantiomeric ratio above 20. Key words: Fungi, lipase, biotransformation, enantioselectivity, amazon region.





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