Análise dos fatores associados à inaptidão de doadores de sangue no estado do Amazonas
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
Study carried out in the donor sector of the Hemoam do Amazonas foundation, with the aim of
analyzing the factors associated with the inability of blood donors during clinical screening,
considered as a limiting factor in the process, and the prevalence of temporary postponement
due to sociodemographic and behavioral factors of donors influence the return rate, costing the
system valuable time and resources, which are reflected in blood center supplies, highlighting
the global problem of lack of sufficient blood. A retrospective cross-sectional study, based on
documentary analysis of virtual medical records from the donor sector of the blood center of
Amazonas, targeted all donors who opened a registry with the intention of donating blood in
the 2017-2019 triennium. The data were filtered, tabulated and analyzed, exploring
sociodemographic variables and reasons for postponement, where we highlighted the groups
with the highest chances of unfitness and frequency of donations. The highest rates of
postponement correspond to clinical screening for factors such as diet, sexual habits and risk
exposures. The predominant donation is replacement, with female donors who have the highest
rates of unfitness and in the first donation. The donor profile associated with demographic data
makes it possible to analyze the characteristics and cyclical changes in blood donation,
highlighting the factors that cause disability, which are simple and likely to be worked on to
improve the scenario of blood donation. The study also provides evidence of the need to
prioritize education and dissemination to strengthen the culture of blood donation