Uso de medicamentos inibidores de tirosina quinase por portadores de leucemia mieloide crônica na Fundação Hospitalar de Hematologia e Hemoterapia do Amazonas (HEMOAM)
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a clonal myeloproliferative disease characterized
cytogenetically by the presence of the Philadelfia chromosome, resulting from the
reciprocal translocation between the BCR and ABL genes; Produces an abnormal
protein with excessive tyrosine kinase activity responsible for increased cell
proliferation, altered cell adhesion and inhibition of apoptosis. The inhibitors of
tyrosine kinase represent an advance in the treatment of CML, because when acting
as selective competitors and blockers of the cells bearing the BCR-ABL
rearrangement, they lead to the possible hematological and cytogenetic remission.
However, the use of these drugs requires the knowledge of several aspects related
to the treatment, both by the health team and patients. It is fact the incorret use of
medications can reduce their effectiveness, increase their toxicity and influence
adherence. The present observational and transversal study had as objective to
evaluate the conditions of use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (ITQs) by CML carriers
attended in HEMOAM and to evaluate the adherence to the drug therapy. Among
133 patients with CML , 63 were interviewed in the period from December 2015 to
April 2016, with a mean age of 51.5 years, of which 60% were men and 52.4%, with
an income of between 2 and 3 minimum wages. Regarding knowledge about aspects
related to the use of ITQ, 95.2% were taking it at the right time, 93.7% did not use
other medications concomitantly, 63.5% kept it in a suitable place. Approximately
97% of patients received prior guidance from the physician on the use. The Morisky
and Green test was used to estimate adherence to treatment and a 46% compliance
was found. The results showed that patients had a good understanding of their
disease and drug therapy, as well as adherence to the use of ITQs was regular and
similar to that of other studies