Análise jurídica da gestão das águas subterrâneas no município de Manaus
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The National Politics of Hídricos Resources - Law 9,433/97, brought important innovations
for the management of the hídricos resources in Brazil. The States, while detainers of the
domain of underground waters, are responsible for its management that, however, must be in
accord with the disposals of the National Politics. The State of Amazon by means of Law
2,712/01 established the State Politics for the Hídricos Resources and instituted the State
System of Management of Hídricos Resources. It enters the lines of direction for
implementation of the State Politics is the joint of the management of the hídricos resources
with the one of the ground. The present study the joint of the management of this resource
with the management of the ground had for purpos to analyze the management of
underground waters in the City of Manaus approaching, in the direction of the preservation of
the quality and availability of the underground resources. Initially it was become fullfilled
analysis of the ambient context, social and economic of the urban space object of the study
and later was carried through the survey and analysis of the pertinent legislation to the
subject. One evidenced that the norms of management of underground waters and the ground
present some possibilities and mechanisms for the joint and that the implementation of this
joint if finds harmed by a perception still limited and would break up dominant of the public
Words key: Hídricos resources. Waters. Management. Manaus. Territorial order