Direito. biotecnologia e propriedade intelectual: acesso, apropriação e proteção jurídica dos elementos da biodiversidade Amazônica
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This work aims at studying how the appropriation of the biodiversity elements, particularly
those in the Amazon region, and what are the juridical implications arising from such an
appropriation. The access to the biodiversity genetic resources, which may result in the
achievement of a private property following patent registration, chiefly after the identification
and isolation of the active principle of plants and animal with pharmacological potential will be
analyzed. In order to achieve this, a study will be carried out on both national and international
legislation dealing with intellectual property and access to the traditional knowledge associated to
genetic resources. The traditional communities and indigenous societies are major agents within
this context, since they own knowledge on the use of nature and its medicinal-purpose
applications. The forest, in a wide sense, represents a source of life for such populations, both in
the physical and in the spiritual aspect, particularly in the Amazon region, the stage for the
greatest world socio-biodiversity and the target for international greed. The regional biological
and cultural richness causes the Northern countries to invest against the Southern countries, since
the former own biotechnological resources, but only the latter are holders of abundant biological
resources. This generates a mutually asymmetric dependence relationship owing to the perverse
way on how this relationship is carried out, wrapping up the work as proposed by this study.
Keyword: Intellectual Property Rights. Socio-environmental Function of Property.
Environmental Law. Biotechnology.