O direito fundamental à alimentação adequada dos povos indígenas no Brasil e o cultivo de alimentos transgênicos em seus territórios

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This research aimed to analyze the legal and socio-environmental aspects of the fundamental right to adequate food of indigenous communities in Brazil and to verify whether, within the context of healthy eating, it is possible to plant transgenic foods in indigenous territories, without changing their modus. living and culture. The methodology that was used in this research was the deductive method, which starts from a general logical reasoning to reach a specific, particular conclusion, using theorems and axioms; that is, analyzing a set of information that will allow us to reach a conclusion where, using deduction, we will arrive at a final result. As for the means used to carry out this research, they were: doctrine, legislation, jurisprudence and documents available on the websites of the world computer system (internet) of public and private organizations; as for the purposes, the research was qualitative. Finally, the research verified whether the cultivation of genetically modified organisms on indigenous lands threatens the fundamental rights inherent to their original peoples and whether it competes with the country's sustainable development.





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