As leis do babaçu livre: uma análise do processo de juridicização das práticas sociais das mulheres quebradeiras de coco babaçu como expressão do pluralismo jurídico multicultural.
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The recognition of social and ethnic groups collective identities is a nowadays growing
process. This process, jettisoned before the citizenship project, resulted in general
changes in the Law Science. Therefrom the legal pluralism is now understood through
the recognition of multiculturalism by the official circles of power. In the Northern and
Northeastern parts of Brazil, the group known as “Mulheres Quebradeiras de Coco”
(Babassu nut breakers women), found out that such conflicts were affecting the
maintenance of their way of “creating, making and leaving”. Responding to that
conflict, this group has begun a process of “juridicizing” their social practices through
the preparation, approval and execution of the “Babassu Free Laws”. This process will
be here seen as an expression of multicultural legal pluralism applicable to this specific
social group. Complementarily, the group will be also seen as an “entity” of collective
identity in the construction of ethnic, environmental and gender debates related to their
Keywords: Babassu nut breakers women. Multicultural legal pluralism. Ecofeminism.
“Babassu Free Laws”.