As influências do direito internacional da água, mais particularmente das SOFT LAW, sobre a construção do tratado de cooperação amazônica
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This dissertation analyzes the influences that the Amazon Cooperation Treaty suffered from the
International Water Law. Despite the Amazon Cooperation Treaty not having
assimilated concepts rooted in International Water Law, such as the definition of basin
of international drainage or international river, represents a strong expression of the norms
international issues, such as environmental preservation and protection, even ensuring the sovereignty of
Amazon States, since this was its main focus. The reasons why the Treaty has
privileged sovereignty is in the frequent international discourses that preach the
internationalization of the Amazon, under the false premise that the Amazon States, through their
governments, would not have the capacity to manage environmental assets, putting the
international community, especially in the future maintenance of these assets. The insistence on
expropriation of Amazonian assets, which result from their enormous dimensions and fantastic
riches of all shades have always been a constant in the Amazonian reality, since the
first explorations by colonizers, which is evaluated in the text, in a separate chapter on
the Amazon. The text evaluates the environmental issue, from the perspective that it represents a change in
paradigm in Law; demonstrates the growing concern of countries with the availability and
water quality, which has generated international cross-border conflicts; reports the terms
the construction of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty and the difficulties in its implementation; It is,
as a conclusion, it evaluates the importance of the norms of International Water Law in the Treaty
of Amazon Cooperation, and the strong contribution of the terms of the Treaty in Law
Water International.