Política nacional de educação ambiental: a educação ambiental como meio de estratégia para construção de um futuro sustentável
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This research aimed to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the National Policy of
Environmental Education, implemented by Law 9,795/1999, recognizing its importance for the
construction of a more environmentally conscious and committed society. To achieve this
general objective, specific objectives included understanding the general aspects of
environmental education, discussing the guiding principles of Environmental Law in the
Brazilian legal system, and reflecting on the National Policy of Environmental Education Law
from the perspective of strengthening popular participation. The adopted approach was
deductive, starting from general constructions to specific aspects of the National Policy of
Environmental Education, particularly its strengths and weaknesses. The procedure method was
descriptive, exploring and describing issues related to environmental education. The research
technique used was bibliographic review, seeking elements in doctrine, articles, legislation, and
other sources to understand the phenomenon under study. Throughout the study, the importance
of formal environmental education in building a more sustainable and conscious society was
highlighted. It was recognized that environmental education promotes awareness,
understanding of interactions between humans and the environment, and provides knowledge
about ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural resources. Despite the advances provided by
legislation, such as the mandatory nature of environmental education at all levels of education
and teacher training, weaknesses compromising its effectiveness were identified. These include
the lack of implementation of Environmental Law principles, the isolated approach to
environmental education, and the lack of clear strategies for popular participation in
environmental management. Therefore, measures such as promoting popular participation,
integrating environmental themes transversally into school curricula, and continuous teacher
training were proposed to strengthen environmental education in Brazil. It is concluded that
continuous reflection on environmental education and seeking ways to make it more effective
are necessary, thus ensuring the preparation of future generations to face current environmental