Assentamentos rurais sustentáveis na Amazônia

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


From the 70s, several rural settlement projects have been set up in the Amazon to resolve the country's regional inequalities. However, these settlements have become environmental disasters with high rates of forest clearing, highlighting the difficult relationship between the fundamental right to the environment and the National Agrarian Reform Policy. The present research investigates which the Agrarian Reform model is compatible for the Amazon and how the National Agrarian Reform Policy can contribute to the protection of the environment within the settlement projects of the region. The juridical transversality and interdisciplinarity, observed in Contemporary Agrarian Law, the multifunctionality of agriculture and the environmental function of property point to the prevalence of the right to a healthy environment. Conceptually, Agrarian Reform is not limited to the idea of land distribution, but should have a broad meaning where other public policies related to the agrarian question are included. More than access to land, the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform seeks to ensure the improvement of the general welfare and, consequently, the preservation of the environment. The institution by INCRA of the Environmental Action Plan for the period 2008/2011 and the Program for Prevention, Combat and Alternatives to Illegal Deforestation in Amazonian Settlements (PPCADI-Amazônia), called the Green Settlements Program (PAV), in 2012, with the setting targets and guidelines for combating deforestation in settlement projects, indicate the existence of a model of Agrarian Reform for the Amazon. The chosen research line is the conservation of natural resources and sustainable development, with emphasis on the sub-themes sustainable development and public policies. The scientific method adopted is the inductive; the bibliographical and documentary research; and for the purposes of qualitative research. KEYWORDS: Land Reform; Rural Settlements; Sustainability; Environment; Amazon.





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