A educação ambiental como instrumento de participação

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This paper deals with environmental education and participation by the community for the protection of the environment, in contrast with the environmental impacts caused by unsustainable exploitation of natural resources. The contemporary environmental issues reveals that the lack of participation by the community and information is aggravating the destruction of the environment, revealing the harmony of society. This paper aims to relate environmental education and citizen participation as factors that positively contribute to the conservation of the environment of care for present and future generations because their social reach. Through literature review, consultation documents and observations, we intend to collect evidence of the level of participation of those who receive environmental education and more intensely information, as a precondition for effective environmental participation, based on the theoretical foundation searched for relevant authors the subject matter. May thus indicate that the lack of participation tends to a growing environmental mitigation, contrary to constitutional law which states that it is the duty of the government and the Collective preservation of the environment for present and future generations.





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