Cidades sustentáveis e o princípio da função ambiental da cidade

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


We attended in the last century the phenomenon of urbanization. It has reached most of the countries of the world, specially the known first world as well as that ones in development, as consequence of the industrialization process. This new social and economic growth has provided relevant social and places changes in Brazil. This new model of dealing with environment has brought serious consequences. Their results can be compared with the world natural disasters. The situation of the brazilian cities were lead the great urban centers into a chaos. Our cities are still suffering problems from extreme gravity and difficult solution. In this context, the edition of the Law n° 10.257/2001 known as Estatuto da Cidade , come to adjust the urban politics of the Federal Constitution establishing general lines of direction how to adapt the new cities to a certain models more adjusted with the community needs, mostly with the model of sustainable cities. It is an undeniable advance in the fight against invasions and chaotic ways of living. The juridical institutions created by the mentioned Law. Based in the social function of the property and the principle of sustainable city, the Law provide the cities authorities, by domestic laws, to adopt the legal instruments that guarantee all the sectors of the society for a more fair social and territorial distribution of the responsibilities and benefits result of the urbanization process, as well as the accomplishment of the social functions of the city for the implementation of the Director Plan, also allowing the regularization of the irregular urban proprieties. This paper point out how to get an effective implementation of the legal principles established in the above referred law and Brazilian Constitution. By means of the sustainable purpose included in this study and for the real accomplishment of the purpose of Statute of City, it would be necessary a real reconstruction of plans and new policies in order to get what is expected from all Brazilian society. Keywords: Urban Law; town-planning; urban policy; urban sustainable development; Statute of the City; Director Plan.





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