Conflitos ambientais e de pesca: o caso do rio Arari e a regulamentação do acordo de pesca
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
Since the establishment of the Social Contract that Rousseau spoke, society agreed to
leave individualism to legitimize a transcendental entity, the State, to regulate its
dynamics, being able to edit this normative elements that regulate the community life in
order to achieve estimated as the social peace. Occurs that, although the theory of the
State so dictate, in many cases the state entity cannot cover the variety of situations that
are presented by social life, especially in those countries with continental dimensions
like Brazil, especially in the Amazon region. However, it is not only this factor that
presents itself as a barrier to access by state agencies, but also an unique feature of the
area: the great cultural diversity. It is known that the most isolated regions of the
Amazon, especially in the state of Amazon have their own normative systems, far from
the state approval, but practiced fully by community members, regardless of whether
such Community rules go against the national legal system or not. In this sense,
becomes important to perform a study on the possible conflict between the local
customary law and national law, tracing outlines about its occurrence and verifying
actual cases experienced by communities that live their lives there. With this in mind,
this study will focus on the looks for issues relating to conflicts of fishing tools used by
fishing communities to regulate local and regional interests, allowing the management
of natural resources in order to contemplate the reality experienced by coastal
communities, specifically contemplating the case of Arari River, passing from the
formation process of formalization of the agreement, reaching its effective results in the