Ensino da matemática por meio de materiais manipuláveis utilizando figuras e sólidos geométricos no 8º ano do ensino fundamental II

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This work aims to stimulate the teaching of plane and spatial geometry through the use of through the use of manipulable materials such as figures and geometric solids for 8th grade students. year of Elementary School II. The methodology involved 70 students from two grades in practical classes, using the Geoplane and objects representing geometric solids. The research adopted a qualitative approach, including observation, questionnaires and interpretative analysis. In view of the gap in the students' learning, the research sought innovative strategies to improve their understanding of these concepts. The study explored the students' perception of the practical application of mathematics in everyday life, highlighting the potential of manipulative materials to make learning more meaningful. The lessons covered concepts such as Pythagorean Theorem and area calculation, integrating theory with practice using Geoplane. The results indicated positive changes in teaching practice and student interest, validating the effectiveness of using these materials to teach geometry. Thus, it can be concluded that the innovative approach, aligned with the BNCC and the action-research methodology, contributes to a more dynamic and participatory more dynamic and participatory teaching, stimulating meaningful student learning. Keywords: Plane Geometry; Geometric Solids; Manipulable Materials



RODRIGUES, Antônio Marcos Ramos. Ensino da matemática por meio de materiais manipuláveis utilizando figuras e sólidos geométricos no 8º ano do ensino fundamental II. 2024. 26 f. TCC (Graduação em Matemática) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus.



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