O ensino de geografia e a bíblia: o criacionismo na perspectiva do conhecimento geográfico
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The evolution of the Universe and the formation of the planet Earth are subjects treated in the teaching
of geography in the sixth year of Elementary School and in the first year of High School. As a suggestion,
this work proposes to articulate the scientific theories regarding these themes and the biblical account
of creation, considering that Brazil still remains a predominantly Christian country, although other
beliefs are practiced freely, without objections. In order to make geography classes more interesting, the
teacher must master the content in his classes. Therefore, this work aims to contribute to the proposed
suggestion, examining the successive stages of the Creation of the heavens and the Earth according to
the Bible to work in Geography classes, reviewing the succession of events in the formation of heaven
and Earth in the book of Genesis and the theories most accepted by the scientific community, through
bibliographic research. As a result, it was possible to work on the subjects synchronously and even in
an interdisciplinary way, with the support of teachers of Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Religious
Key words: Teaching Geography; Bible; Scientific Theories.
LIMA, Renan Moisés Campos. O ensino de geografia e a bíblia: o criacionismo na perspectiva do conhecimento geográfico. 2022. 42 f. TCC (Graduação em Geografia) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus.