A paródia em saramago: a representação do deus humanizado em Caim

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This paper aims to reflect on the different perspectives presented in the book presented in the book Cain, by José Saramago, in which the author builds a parody of the old testament of the Christian bible. It will seek to ponder on the representation of god that Saramago presents in the in the work and what aspects of this divine he addresses when building his parody, since Saramago is not In this way, the reader will be able to understand the meaning of the divine figure in the various episodes of the narrative. the divine figure in the various episodes of the narrative through which it passes. We have chosen the episodes of Abel and Cain, Abraham and Isaac and Job to discuss in the novel the representation of a god-personage that appears characteristics and attitudes so human that differ from the image idealized by humanity. image idealized by humanity.



VALENTE, Emanuelle Antunes. A paródia em saramago: a representação do deus humanizado em Caim. 2019. 17 f. TCC (Graduação em Letras) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus.



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