Análise das produções científicas voltada para educação especial em uma perspectiva inclusiva de estudantes com deficiência intelectual

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This article aims to analyze the articles which were indexed in the databases – CAPES, LILACS, MEDLINE and SciELO – about school inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in the period from 2000 to 2012. In order to identify the articles, the following descriptors were used: inclusion, mental disability, intellectual disability, special education, inclusive education, school inclusion, making a combination among them. The choice of descriptors mentioned was due to the fact that special education has undergone significant changes in recent years, both in the regard to the nomenclatures used by the current regulation, as your application that turns toward the inclusion of students target public of special education in classrooms of regular schools. In this search, 29 articles were selected. As a criterion of inclusion, the articles should present the keywords: “school inclusion” and “intellectual disability” (mental) or “inclusive education” and “intellectual disability” (mental). Soon after, 29 articles were found, read and categorized. To this end, the following categories were used: research participants; methodological classification, classification of the research subjects and authors’ academic education. It is about a bibliographical research in a qualitative and quantitative approach. As a result, the need for the development of studies by researchers in the area of special education and education could be verified, beyond the need for studies of intervention that enable proposals to be applied in class, considering the aspects that hinder the quality of teachers’ work. Keywords: Special education. School inclusion. Intellectual disability. Scientific production.



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