Redes de sustentabilidade gestão territorial e diálogos interculturais no Rio Negro-AM

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The Rio Negro region, defined here as the area of activity of the indigenous movement and the Federation of Indigenous Organizations of Rio Negro (FOIRN), covers the municipalities of Barcelos, Santa Isabel do Rio Negro and São Gabriel da Cachoeira - where live about 30 indigenous tribes, belonging to four linguistic families: Eastern Tukano, Aruak, Maku and Yanomami. The analyzes in this article refer to the strategies adopted by the indigenous movement, through FOIRN, in the territorial and cultural management process, with emphasis on the actions that aimed the sustainability of the indigenous territories in this region. The data were obtained by participant observation and semi-structure interviews. The results show that the territorial management made by the indigenous movement is built through a network of social relations between indigenous peoples and between indigenous peoples and non - indigenous peoples. A dynamic relationship pervaded by cultural re-elaborations and intercultural dialogues, in a process of alliances and negotiations, combining the knowledge of indigenous culture and those of Western culture, such as the use of information and communicationtechnologies. Keywords: Indigenous movement. Territory. Sustainability. Interculturality.



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