O uso do programa scratch na abordagem dos conceitos iniciais de cinemática para alunos do 1º ano do ensino médio
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This article describes the development, and application of a didactic sequence, using animations developed in Scratch program for the teaching of the initial concepts of kinematics to junior high school students in the course of Electro-technology at IFAM - CMC. This study aims to introduce the initial concepts of kinematics in a more dynamic, and contextualized way, with the aid of technology and with the active participation of students, in order to achieve a more effective learning. The proposed activities, in the didactic sequence, are based on the constructivist theory of Jerome Bruner, which takes into account teaching by discovery, and curriculum proposal in a spiral format. In this educational perspective, the student is the center of the process and therefore build their own knowledge. The developed, and applied educational material contains: 2 routing activities, based on the constructive alignment, 18 animations, 10 developed in Scratch and 8 in Power Point program, 16 slides with didactical texts, and 3 static images. The applied didactic sequence was well accepted by the students, according to their comments and the results presented. We noticed that the use of animation programs has brought good results related to student learning in physics classes. Keywords: Didactic Sequence, Kinematic Concepts, Physics Teaching, Physics Animations.
1 Mestre
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