Estudo de ótica: uma experiência didática para o estudo de fenômenos da natureza analisados a partir da teoria da aprendizagem significativa
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The individuals constantly appropriating ideas and concepts when they bring to the classroom, such sets of explanations on a particular subject, known as prior knowledge, often have different scientific knowledge presented by the school. This point is especially important, as it enables the teacher to discredit the appropriation of knowledge happens by simply transmitting the teaching act. Prior knowledge, in turn, are understood as explanations for phenomena and objects, often undeveloped and need to be identified and taken into consideration by teachers of physics. In this sense, we present an educational experience in the field of optics, specifically the formation of the rainbow, experienced in physics classes with students of the second year of high school, analyzed from the assumptions of the Theory of Meaningful Learning. We believe that education should be based on personal experiences that students experience and the teacher's role is to advise and regulation of activities with a view to transforming existing knowledge into their cognitive structure. Thus, according to the ausubeliano thought, if the teacher wants to teach significantly, it is initially necessary to discover what the student already knows, to finally direct their teachings. Keywords: Physics Teaching. Prior knowledge. Scientific concepts. Rainbow
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