Ensino de Ciências: o processo de ensino-aprendizagem de alunos surdos sobre a poluição dos igarapés da cidade de Manaus

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This research was developed according to assumptions and practices of the qualitative methodology, having as main techniques of data collection, the structured and semi-structured interviews carried out with the teacher and also the participant observation. To analyze the collected data, we used Speech Analysis from Michel Pêcheux. As a method of approach we opted for the dialectical approach which allowed us to better understand the conflicts and the totality of the educational phenomenon in focus. The study aimed to analyze the teaching and knowledge-building process of hearing-impaired students in the 7th year of elementary school regarding the pollution of the streams in the city of Manaus in order to, among other things, obtain subsidies for the elaboration of a didactical sequence capable of optimizing the educational qualities of these students through scientific language in sign language. The results show the existence of concepts that permeate the teacher's imaginary, perspectives and tendencies of teaching science and environmental education which are related to pedagogical action. In the analyzed laws, regulations and documents, although there is a discursive shift in recognition of sign language, this was not enough to change the principles that sustain the ideology in which social and school organizations live in. In relation to the social structure that features the condition of the teacher´s discursive production, there are complex issues regarding the initial and ongoing education, working hours, flexibility of teaching work, temporary work regime, specific didactic material in sign language, lack of signs to address scientific concepts, among others. Thus, in the scope of the scientific education of hearing impaired students, the conclusions point to limited conditions in the teaching practices used by the teacher. Hoping for the transformation of social habits and practices; also the formation of an environmental citizenship, we´ve elaborated a preliminary proposal of didactical sequence that sought out to make the Deaf student to critically express himself about the pollution of the urban streams in Manaus and that contributed to learning scientific concepts related to this theme.



MENDONÇA, Carla Andréa Sampaio. Ensino de Ciências: o processo de ensino-aprendizagem de alunos surdos sobre a poluição dos igarapés da cidade de Manaus. 2020. 194 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Acadêmico em Educação e Ensino de Ciências na Amazônia) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus.



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