O ensino das terminologias biológicas através da aprendizagem significativa: proposta para a formação de professores
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This research locates in the area of the Teaching of Sciences, including the teachers'
formation and grew through the approach of the biological terminology, analyzed
under it constituent genesis, articulate to the theoretical propositions of the
Significant Learning, formation of scientific concepts, and communication aspects
and language in classroom. It is treated of a research of qualitative orientation and it
looked for through the observation, of the documental analysis of the text books and
in questionnaires, the explanation of relevant possibilities to investigate as the
Biological Terminologies are being approached by the teachers in their pedagogic
practices, in the High School and which the linguistic support that the text books have
been giving to teachers and students. Twelve schools, public and private, of High
School of the city of Manaus and their teachers of Biology were part of the research.
Theanalysis of the data was of empiric-interpretative nature. The obtained results
demonstrate the ignorance of methodological theoretical aspects of the biological
terminology on the part of teachers and students, the non appreciation of this theme
in the courses of initial or continuous formation, as well as the superficial present
terminological approach in the text books. Starting from such evidences a Strategy
was elaborated of it Semantics Analyzes as base in the Theory of the Significant
Learning, seeking to aid teachers in winning the pertinent difficulties to the
morphology and semantics of the biological terms. This work opens perspectives for
new researches about pedagogic application of the Biological terminology, as well as
for analyses epistemológicas regarding the construction of the specialized lexicon of
the Biology, among other possible unfoldings in the areas of the linguistics and of the
communication regarding the teaching process and learning
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