A indisciplina e o processo de ensino e aprendizagem em ciências naturais: um estudo no ensino fundamental II
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The dissertation presents the results of a qualitative research on school indiscipline and the teaching and learning process in the curriculum component of Natural Sciences, a study in Elementary School II with students and teachers from two schools located in the city of Manaus, state of Amazonas. One from the public network and the other from the private network. Studying the phenomenon of school indiscipline and its implications for the teaching-learning process was the general objective of this research, since indiscipline in the classroom presents itself as one of the most worrying problems of school reality today. In this way, the composition of the theoretical framework was based on a variety of conceptual understanding about school indiscipline, highlighting its possible causes and influencing the student’s learning difficulty, going through texts, articles, monographs, dissertations, theses and books by theorists who studied about this topic.The research was developed in stages, the first referring to the study and observation of the initial conditions of the teaching-learning process that allowed to establish the theoretical foundation, the second where the field research was carried out, using the qualitative research method. This step, which can also be considered as data collection, allowed to make observations of the daily classroom, answering an observation questionnaire, in addition to also conducting a questionnaire to teachers and students of the observed series. Among the results obtained, it is noteworthy that the age group and family environment directly influence school indiscipline, with peculiarities and similarities between the undisciplined public school and the private institution, and that teachers and students share parts of blame on school indiscipline, each in their own way. In this way, the results confirm that school indiscipline make it difficult to learn student knowledge mainly about the form of lack of attention and concentration in classrooms.
Keywords: school indiscipline; sciences; learning process.
MARTINS, Lizandra Vieira. A indisciplina e o processo de ensino e aprendizagem em ciências naturais: um estudo no ensino fundamental II. 2013. 104 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação e Ensino de Ciências na Amazônia) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus.