Alfabetização científica em espaços não-formais: fortalecendo a cidadania de estudantes ribeirinhos

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


Non-Formal Spaces for riverside students plays a fundamental role in preserving and valuing local culture, adapting the needs and realities of the community by relating it to local and scientific knowledge, seeking to promote the educational development of forest people through scientific literacy which aims to strengthen the feeling of citizenship of the people of the forest, in view of this the general objective of the research is to analyze how riverside students in the 5th year of Elementary School experience the process of Scientific Literacy possible to awaken feelings of citizenship, with specific objectives to analyze the Theoretical discourses that deal with Scientific Literacy in Non-Formal Spaces deal with the formation of a feeling of citizenship among riverside students. Know how the Scientific Literacy process works for riverside students. And to highlight how the feeling of citizenship is built among students who experienced a process of scientific literacy in non-formal spaces. The methodology used is bibliographical review and field research, using the techniques of participant observation, dialogue group and semi-structured interview, based on a qualitative approach which aims to interpret the investigative phenomena of the participants during the actions and reflections presented in the process experienced about the scientific literacy in non-formal spaces as strengthening citizenship. Thus, the final considerations present the results of the experiences during the investigative process, which we can see that Scientific Literacy goes beyond scientific methods, it also sharpens the perspective of knowledge that crosses generations, loaded with culture, identity in its place of belonging in the midst of rivers and forests that constantly dialogue with science, thus, non-formal spaces allow us to experience teaching freely, without the paradigm of having the school space as the only learning environment, bringing experiences that contribute to strengthening citizenship of seeking information. Keywords: Scientific Literacy; Non-formal spaces; Citizenship.



SILVA, Cassiane dos Santos da. Alfabetização científica em espaços não-formais: fortalecendo a cidadania de estudantes ribeirinhos. 2023. 75 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação e Ensino de Ciências na Amazônia) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus.



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