O ensino de física utilizando elementos naturais como recurso pedagógico e laboratórios virtuais no 9° ano do ensino fundamental na Gleba de Vila Amazônia, Parintins – Amazonas
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
Much has been said and written on improving physics teaching, introducing dynamic techniques and objective,
appropriate methodology for the development of skills and attitudes, preparing the young to life. The years have
passed and the tiredness is felt, and so seeks to reflect on the methodologies that are applied in teaching this
discipline. This work describes the methodologies used in the field of Gleba Vila Amazonia, in the year 2012
and has as main purpose to show the use of field classes using natural resources, such as virtual lab and
methodologies in educational practices in the discipline of physics, the use of experiments, are the most relevant
and discussed. Were the ideas of pupils and teachers at the beginning and end of the teaching-learning process on
the subject in question. Can't think of advance that students are interested in learning science, as we speak some
authors. But contact with experience should wake up in them interest. In this way the results obtained prove that
the use of these methodologies, will take students to verify the theory-practice in applied, getting results and
significant stimuli.
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