Os processos cognitivos da aprendizagem matemática por meio de uma didática específica para estudantes surdos
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The present study hunts to do a theoretical analysis of the investigations about the processes
of learning of Mathematics contents associated to logical thought and the solving problems of
deaf students by Brazilian Signal Language (LIBRAS). In general aspects, it is analyzed how
the cognitive processes (reasoning and solving Mathematics problems) are stimulated and
how it is developed by under-graduated students during the interactive activity with deaf
students. The research is qualitative involving ten (10) deaf students from a specialized school
for Deaf Education, in Parintins, Amazonas, by using as provoking didactic instrument the
creation and the didactical implementation of a multiplication table entitled
“MinhaTabuadaem Libras”which aims to favor and potentializeit as a support for educators
to develop other mechanisms that make much more feasible the learning of that student. By
those ways pre and pro tests were applied in order to found the objective of the research as
well as to prove whether the learning of the student in consideration happens in the same
levels of hearing student. The research solves the scientific problem which has as basis: “
How does the learning of Mathematics problems happen associated to logical thought and
reasoning of deaf student by LIBRAS?”. The theoretical referent which allowed the made of
the theoretical mark to structure the research has the ideas of Sternberg (2010) relating to
cognitive processes, language, signs language and others. Also it is important to emphasize
the works of Gesser (2009), Chomsky (1975), Laborrit (1994) etc. The use of plays, bingos
and other concrete materials were significant as facilitators to learning in special Brazilian
Signs Language (LIBRAS) necessary in the process of communication, interaction and the
development of non-hearing people.
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