Brincadeiras das infâncias como espaço de mobilização de ideias matemáticas nos anos iniciais da escolarização

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The games performed by children provide numerous opportunities for learning and development, and also, the construction of mathematical knowledge. In this way, we established as a general objective to understand how the games performed in childhood can constitute spaces of mobilization of mathematical ideas in the initial years of schooling. We define as specific objectives: to know what theorists indicate about the games commonly developed in the initial years of schooling; verify the games that children develop at the time of physical education activities and recreational moments; identify the mathematical ideas mobilized in the context of the development of childhood play; and, to analyze the possible relationships between mathematical ideas mobilized in the context of games developed in childhood and mathematical contents taught in the early years of schooling. In this research, with a qualitative approach, we conducted a bibliographic survey of theses and dissertations defended in the Graduate Program in Science Teaching in the Amazon (PPGEEC/UEA), in the Graduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Amazonas (PPGE/UFAM) and in the Bank of Theses and Dissertations of the Coordination of Personal Improvement (CAPES). The theoretical framework was also constructed from authors who discuss mathematics, such as D'Ambrosio (2011, 2018); and on the games, such as Leontiev (1978, 2010), Vygotsky (1989, 1991), Brougère (1998, 2010), Kishimoto (2010, 2017) and Benjamin (2009). Subsequently, we made direct observations in the Physical Education classes of the 5th grade classes of the initial years of schooling, at the time of recess and in the recreational activities carried out by the school. Following the observation script elaborated, we verified the games developed by the children and identified the mathematical ideas mobilized. In this process, we recorded the games through photographs, and described them in the field notebook. To relate the games observed to the possible mathematical contents taught in the initial years of schooling, we performed a documentary analysis, by reading the official documents. As for data analysis, we used methodological triangulation, establishing relationships between the constructed data. The results obtained indicate that the games developed by children are diverse learning spaces, including mathematical learning, which can give meaning and meaning to the mathematical content taught in the school context. Keywords: Mathematics Education; Mathematical Ideas; Infancy; Playfulness.



PEREIRA, Elen Ariane Freitas. Brincadeiras das infâncias como espaço de mobilização de ideias matemáticas nos anos iniciais da escolarização. 2023. 156 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação e Ensino de Ciências na Amazônia) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus.



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