Educação para a sustentabilidade: um estudo nas escolas do entorno do fragmento florestal da UFAM, Manaus, Amazonas

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This study addresses teachers' conceptions about the forest environment at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), as well as concepts related to the environment and sustainability. Our research objective was to understand teachers' conceptions regarding environmental services and the relationships between backyards and UFAM's forest fragment. The study methodology is based on the qualitative approach, using the interview technique as a research technique. Data analysis was performed based on the classification of environmental concepts by Reigota (2010) and the Textual Discursive Analysis by Moraes and Galiazzi (2016). We found that, according to the teachers, the environmental services provided by the fragment are: decreased temperature, preservation and conservation of biological diversity, possibility of educational activities, natural landscape in an urban environment, quality of life, reduction of pollution and subsistence. As for the relationship between backyards and the fragment, we found that some teachers are aware of the use of the forest as a backyard by residents of the surrounding area and are aware of the risks to nature arising from this use. From these results, we hope to carry out an educational action in the future that addresses the issues investigated in this study. Keywords: Sustainability. Environmental services. Backyards. Forest environment at UFAM.



ALMEIDA, Érica Freitas de. Educação para a sustentabilidade: um estudo nas escolas do entorno do fragmento florestal da UFAM, Manaus, Amazonas. 2021. 125 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação e Ensino de Ciências na Amazônia) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus.



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