Educomunicação: uma proposta para o Ensino de Ciências
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
Science education in Brazil has long been distant and disconnected from the reality of the
students. There is no relationship between what is learned in class and how that content is put
in context. The content is taught mostly through books, and many times, only through
expositive methods, leaving instruction highly unnapealing to the students. As communication
and information technology develops and improves, there is a growing need for it to be used
inside the classroom. However, schools face several obstacles, including a lack of
qualifiedteachers. Students are ready and excited to use and learn with new methods and
technologies, but the teachers are not prepared or qualified to use them. The
educommunication seems to be the way to solve this dichotomy, as it allows students to
participate more actively, helping teachers, and creating a more reflexive approach to
education. The research presented here shows education through the use of
educommunication in Science, in an experiment using a school radio system. The goal is to
analize the use of a radio system in the teaching and learning process for Science, as well as
how its use can contribute to and enable a more reflexive approach with communication tools
used in the classroom. Research qualitative and quantitative, character has the current of
thought dialectical materialism assumes that the interpretation of reality based on
contradictions a word view and praxis. This paper’s research took place in a school in
Manaus (Amazonas, Brazil), and included observation, questionnaire uses (Likert scale), and
an experiment involving ‘airing’ Science educational programs on a school radio system.
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