Protótipo para avaliação diagnóstica escolar como referencial para o trabalho pedagógico do professor no ensino fundamental

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This paper proposed the creation, implementation and evaluation of a Prototype for Diagnostic Evaluation of school for the Teaching of Science, Mathematics and Portuguese. Configures itself as an applied research nature, generating knowledge for practical application directed to the solution of problems in the context of Education Monitoring Project in the State School Arthur Araujo. The prototype consists of 04 background questionnaires for students, teachers, administrator and educator, made up of categories of analysis aimed at diagnosing conceptions and practices of evaluation, what is taught and what is learned, the treatment given to the educational results of internal and external evaluation forms of monitoring the teaching-learning process, among other things. Constitutes a diagnostic tool to collect data via computerized questionnaires, to be accessed online via the Portal Avaliamazonas and seeks to optimize the search process, in which the information system used which automatically results demonstrated quantitatively by means of graphs percentage. The proposed prototype is not intended to replace the assessment tools developed by the MEC / INEP, by contrast, intends to act as a complement to these instruments, considering that those standardized model have focused much more on the administrative aspects of the process that properly teaching, and they often do not reflect the specific reality of each school. Another situation is that their results take too long to get to school often delaying decision making and when they arrive, usually, these data do not match more with the dynamics of reality.





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