As vozes das crianças à sombra da palmeira de urucuri: um diálogo para educação em ciências

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This study aimed to understand the knowledge of Science Education through the palm tree from urucuri through of children's voices in the formal and non-formal space. The theoretical-methodological support is the sociology of childhood and the search is configured as an ethnographic study which has as a principle the child as a social actor able to prepare and provide the proper sense of the context in which they operate. In this sense, through interaction with their peers and with adults build their cultures. Participated in this search 16 children and two teachers as central subjects. The study was conducted in a public school in the city of Urucurituba - AM. We use as instruments participant observation and conversations meeting, the instruments of data collection were the voice recorder , camera and a field diary. It was possible to verify that the voices of children show a strong relationship with the city streets Urucurituba, showing how non-formal space conducive to formal school and non-school activities. Also show that learning science is (re)meaning from the relationship the children establish with their peers and with adults in and out of school. We also note that the aspects related interpretations, from Palm, are relevant to their lives, thus revealing a Science Education and enriching knowledge in the context of the city.





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