O Role-Playing Game - RPG na educação STEAM: inovando na aprendizagem de ciências na Amazônia
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The present work aimed to develop a teaching-learning process based on the RPG-STEAM
approach , on the main protozooses that affect the Amazon region. After building a game, we
created a Guide for students entitled “Defenders of the Amazon”, and applied it to students in
the eighth year of Natural Sciences, in order to assess its functionality and enhance
knowledge of tropical diseases with the recognition of symptoms , forms of transmission and
prophylactic methods of diseases caused by protozoa, in addition to stimulating the
development of skills such as creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, communication and
group work; for data collection, we used questionnaires, interviews and audio recording,
which were analyzed qualitatively, through a phenomenological approach where we tried to
hear the voices of those involved in the research, minimizing the unilateral relationships
between the researcher and the study participants, facilitating integration of different areas of
knowledge by STEAM education, with phenomenology being responsible for highlighting the
views that all participants have of the phenomenon they experience. The results show that this
approach is an effective mediator between knowledge and student-players. We conclude that
RPG, through STEAM education, has great possibilities to increase the active learning of
Nature Sciences in the school environment, working curricular componentes little explored to
increase their interest and motivation in students through a playful perspective that favors
and complements formal learning.
Keywords: Active Learning, RPG, STEAM education
BARROS, Thiago Pessoa. O Role-Playing Game - RPG na educação STEAM: inovando na aprendizagem
de Ciências na Amazônia. 2021. 164 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação e Ensino de Ciências na Amazônia) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus.