O jogo como estratégia interdisciplinar no projeto do observatório da Educação/CAPES/UEA

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This paper presents a different perspective of understanding that has been about the use of the game as a teaching strategy when key issues arise when discussing the nature of knowledge, the demarcation of the same areas, the intersection between disciplines. The game comes as an invitation to the meeting, the intentional relationship between disciplines and this interface: science, mathematics and Portuguese language within a project of the Centre of Education / CAPES / UEA - Manaus having as research problem: What contributions were made As a strategy game for interdisciplinary Design Education Observatory CAPES / UEA? and objectives: to provide evidence theoretically play as interdisciplinary strategy; Describe how interdisciplinary strategy games (in the perception of the subjects) Project of the Centre for Education POE / CAPES / UEA and verify the use of the game as interdisciplinary strategy. Among the many authors that underlie this study include: Finance (2003, 2006), Japiassu (1976), Kishimoto (2011), Jantsch and Bianchetti (2004) and Morin (2000) and Anastasiou (2012). The methodological approach was guided by qualitative approach through field research, literature and documents. Participant observation integrated researchers with different objects of study within a larger project (POE), in this case, had the instruments for data collection, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires with the subjects who participated in the implementation of strategies. The results point to the use of the game as socializing element, able to enrich the teaching-learning if properly proposed and applied to pedagogical intentionality.





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