A pedagogia de projetos como um caminho para a alfabetização científica de estudantes por meio das feiras de ciências da educação básica nos municípios de São Luiz do Anauá e Alto Alegre no Estado de Roraima.
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This research was carried out from June 2012 to June 2013. Sought to achieve the overall goal of analyzing the process of conducting science fair, with teachers, in order to observe whether this is produced from the perspective of pedagogy projects and from there proceed to identify the effects of the science fair considering the scientific literacy of students of basic education in the municipalities of São Luiz do Anauá and Alto Alegre. The specific objectives were : to diagnose the current situation of the process of the realization of the science fair in basic education in the municipalities of São Luiz do Anauá and Alto Alegre; verify that teachers of basic education in the municipalities of São Luiz do Anauá and Alto Alegre use pedagogy of projects for the fair of science and identify if , in the view of teachers , scientific literacy is a reflection produced by the science fair with students of basic education in the cities studied . This work was guided by the following research question: in the opinion of the teachers conducting the science fair and work with projects pedagogy assist in scientific literacy of students of basic education in the municipalities of São Luiz do Anauá and Alto Alegre? In methodological procedures we used the qualitative and quantitative approach. The research was ethnographic and made use of instruments such as taped interviews with key informants and questionnaires , these instruments were intended to capture is the opinion of the teachers , the science fair contributes to the scientific literacy of school students primary and secondary , as well as pedagogy project is part of the routine of teachers . It employed the technique of field observation in order to record the feelings and emotions of the subjects studied at the time participated in the survey. The study indicated that teachers believe that science fair helps student scientific literacy and pedagogy projects can be a methodology that drives this process in primary and secondary education.
Keywords : Scientific Literacy. Pedagogy Project.Science Fair. Elementary and Secondary Education .
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