Proposta de Webdesign para a revista Amazônica de ensino de ciências - Areté

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The scientific journals are important tools for the dissemination of papers and researches, which may be presented both in printed and digital format. In the electronic environment, numerous periodicals arise every year around the world, considering the ease in the transmission of information it offers. In this sense, we investigated in what form investment these aspects could help Amazonic Science Teaching Magazine - Areté, published by the Graduate Studies Program in Education and Science Education in the Amazon at the Amazonas State University, to achieve greater visibility in the area of Education and Science. The research was developed based on the qualitative method and through comparative analysis between three electronics magazines whose areas are: education, science and communication. The investigation revealed the following results: the need with the concern to value the design and usability of the scientific journal to enhance communication with the magazine end user, the importance of investing in the use of platforms to ensure the transparency of the submission and review of papers sent, and the journal editing process that attempts in layout quality aspects, website functionality, as a whole, that allow a safe and efficient navigation.





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