Estágio docente na formação de professores para o Ensino de Ciências na Amazônia
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This work is result of research realized at Profissional Master’s degree in
Amazon Science Teaching at Amazon University of State. The general
objective, was make analyses upon teachers training process in 2006 and 2007
classroom. The pretension is contribute to teachers’ formation at Amazon
Science teaching master degree. Others objectives that orientated the research
was: 1) to discuss about the development and organization of Pós-graduate in
Science teaching at the Amazon observing the structure of master degree
course in Science Teaching; 2) To reflect about the formation process and
teachers training at master degree punctuating difficult and possibility in
construction process of knowledge necessary for university pedagogy; 3) to
discuss about people defined for research, conception of university, Pósgraduation, teachers training and pedagogical practice thus remarking the
students supervised teaching practice report. The problematic source is the
student’s process of knowledge construction including all elements present at
teachers training moment and its relations, especially for the students that are
not graduated in Science. This is qualitative analyses and we try to see the
problem in differents dimensions with its relations between facts and people
defined for the research. The subject is justified for its importance for teachers
identify construction. Turn evident the possibility and necessity of constant
dialogue between scientific knowledge produced in the university and what we
live outside as people in constant historic formation process. Is a fact that we
are habituated with work, survival, feelings and knowledge trying “to be more”.
The result of this investigation is a proposal that introduce a equivalence
between the disciplines for teachers training and his initial formation, this can
possibility a re-signification of theorist and technical knowledge preparing the
teachers for the university pedagogy.
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