A formação contínua na promoção das analogias e metáforas em espaços não-formais
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The premise of the research is based on the theoretical foundation of the state of the art on analogies and metaphors, non-formal spaces, and continuous teacher training. From the descriptives, the study took shape, thus allowing the interpretations and perceptions related to the theme. This is a bibliographical study with a qualitative approach. Authors such as Glynn (1994), creator of the TWA (Teaching With Analogies) model, Sperber; Wilson (1995); Lakoff; Johnson (2002), responsible for the categorization of metaphors are listed in our theoretical contribution. Regarding the knowledge about non-formal space, we have the conceptions of Gohn (2006), Seiffert-Santos; Fachín-Terán (2013) and other authors. In the interface of the theme to the teacher's formative process we contemplated what Freire (1987; 1996), Saviani (1987), Libâneo (1992) and Nóvoa (1995) say through their works and findings. The study is divided into 3 chapters. For the first moment there are: Analogies and Metaphors in non-formal spaces: possibilities from continuing education. The second chapter presents the methodological aspects of the study. Chapter 3 closes the dissertation with "Teacher Narratives: Experiences and Experiences in Non-Formal Spaces contribution to the promotion of the use of Analogies and Metaphors in Continuous Training. In outlining the data collection, we can say that the guiding questions were answered according to the narratives obtained from the 05 (five) subjects who shared their life stories narrated through their experiences along their personal and professional trajectory. For the promotion of the use of analogies and metaphors, it was possible to identify that the teachers use these languages to exemplify subjects considered of greater difficulty by the students. In the experience with non-formal spaces it is possible to say that among the teachers some have made and make use of non-formal spaces as diffusion places for the sharing of scientific knowledge to the knowledge of Science Teaching. For other teachers the non-formal spaces present possibilities and difficulties for the execution of such pedagogical activities, one of the factors being the displacement and financial resources in the transfer to these places. Concerning continuing education, it was noticed that during the years that preceded this research, the subjects participating in the study, participated in training courses in their areas of interest, as well as the Secretariat of the State of Amazonas - SEDUC offered a range of courses in order to add to the curriculum of these teachers specialization courses, especially during the time of social isolation caused by Covid-19 in the remote modality. Despite the setback experienced throughout the scientific research it was possible to extract pertinent data regarding the theme suggested to readers. It is hoped that this study will serve as theoretical evidence for the continuity of scientific research in the line of research presented here.
Keywords: analogies and metaphors, non-formal spaces, continuing education.
CASTRO, Natana dos Santos. A formação contínua na promoção das analogias e metáforas em espaços não-formais. 2022. 135 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação e Ensino de Ciências na Amazônia) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus.