O ensino das ciências e os saberes vividos: um estudo do ensino a partir do currículo da escola ribeirinha de Várzea no município de Parintins/AM
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The Science Teaching Study in Ribeirinhas Communities Schools from Amazonas,
allows the students to approach their reality and enter to the complex universe of
floodplain environment from socio-educational, socio-cultural and socioenvironmental relations, in order to understand the lived world of each apprentice
fellow and on learning relationship with their parents and other community members,
based on the curriculum relation, the daily life and the lived knowledge, in order to
show the dynamics world local, in communication with the regional, national, global
and all educational process of building knowledgeable citizens and critical readers of
their realities. This dissertation aims, through its general objective, to understand the
posture of the social subjects, teacher and students of the Nossa Senhora de Nazaré
School from Limão de Baixo, to make a reflection on the articulation between the
science teaching from the curriculum and the knowledge preexisting in the life’s
history of Ribeirinhos students from Parintins, evidencing the types of effects that
generate their social, cultural and historical place representations where the school is
inserted. To direct the look within the school universe and community of Parintins, it
was necessary to base the research in the phenomenology; unmasking the hull and
navigating the research routes to discover a small community and school community,
because one always wants and seeks to know each place to understand the process
of teaching and learning, not only in Parintins, but in every Amazonian dimension.
Each place in the Amazon has multiple relationships and can only be felt, perceived
when they are lived, even for small spaces of time. Navigating, they reached at
floodplain school from Paraná do Limão de Baixo, and each row was given by
interviews, free and participant observation, and the use of mental maps; These
procedures allowed visualizing the multi-serial teaching in the school and the
dynamics of the teachings knowledge lived; all the data and results obtained through
them, were translated and divided into three chapters, these being: "Desatracando
Casco e Remando" (Unhooking Hull and Rowing): among Curriculum, Science
Teaching and Lived Knowledge, "A travessia" (The Crossing) by the place of
research; And the last chapter, "Ensino das Ciências na Escola Nossa Senhora de
Nazará (Science Teaching at Nossa Senhora de Nazaré School): between the
Curriculum and the Living Knowledge". This research allowed us to perceive the
need to open spaces for deconstruction dialogues and thus to construct collectively a
multicultural and multidimensional curricular proposal to recover the lived and
practiced knowledge in order to strengthen the cultural identity of each Ribeirinho
student of floodplain school, from the life’s place knowledge, enabling them to better
understand their place of life and building and rebuilding their knowledge within the
natural laboratory that is the floodplain
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