Os agrotóxicos e a divulgação científica: o visível e o invisibilizado
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
It is necessary to highlight the social importance of science and Scientific
Divulgation, so that both can offer society, information on the relationship science / society,
considering the direct link between the achievements of science and its direct and indirect
impacts on the mankind and environment. The general objective of the research was to
analyze the existence of political and economic forces in the approach of the subject on
pesticides, focusing on the emergence of the discussion with Rachel Carson in the 60s of the
20th century in the USA, to the present day, mainly focusing on discussions Governmental
organizations. Through the analyzes of the Magazines Science Today and Children´s Science
Today, considering frequency, discursiveness and textual construction of the contents
analyzed. We seek to identify the reports and their strategies of approach, considering the
levels of problematizations present in the texts. To this end, a literature search was conducted
using a qualitative approach in a theoretical perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)
of the magazines´ leads among 2000 and 2014. The magazines Science Today and Children´s
Science Today publicly released 20 subjects with the theme that we present, in this temporal
cut and their speeches are predominantly based on the environment, in spaces directed to the
news. It should report that since the first edition, the magazine has positioned itself against the
use of pesticides, not only presenting the dangers of use for humans and for the environment,
but also arguing and advocating the use of ecologically viable alternatives such as sustainable
use land, agro-ecology, the use of biopesticides or electronic tools pest detection, as well as
presenting to the reader the latest changes as the legislation on the use of pesticides in the
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