O ensino da ciência e a experiência visual do surdo: o uso da linguagem imagética no processo de aprendizagem de conceitos científicos

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The educational space is organized from a pedagogical, political and social approach that influences the methodologies and strategies practiced in the classroom. In teaching and learning of deaf subjects there are approaches that consider deafness a feature that allows the development of a visual experience that can be used in the construction and acquisition of scientific concepts. It’s in this context that this dissertation was developed. It has as general objective to reveal if and how the deaf constructs scientific concepts from the teaching of the sciences through the imaginary language in the third year of Elementary Education I. The type of research in the qualitative perspective, which provide answers to the proposed objectives. The participants are students, teachers and principals who are part of a specific school for the deaf, on City of Manaus. Research has a phenomenological focus, since it occurs in a perceived, conceived and lived reality that involves feelings and thoughts. The applied techniques were non-participant observation, semistructured interviews and a didactic sequence. The collected data were analyzed in a dialogical perspective between the observation-reflection by researcher and the studied situation, based on content analysis techniques of a qualitative research. The main authors discuss issues related to science as scientific knowledge, teaching and visual experience to the deaf, signs, imagery language and the teaching and learning process. The teaching of scientific concepts should consider the visual aspects in learning process, so that deaf are instrumented of knowledge and are scientifically literate,. 2001). Another point observed is that because the scientific concepts are abstract, scientific literacy with deaf children unfolds to other problems, such as: not learning a language; the lack of external stimuli (social relations); the lack of signs in Sign Language for certain areas of knowledge which require more reflections and contributions in order to minimize them, Skliar (2015), Strobel (2008), Vilhalva (2004) Tables (1997), Slomski (2010), Goldfeld (1997). In this context, the imagery language appears as an important semiotic medium in acquisition of knowledge, since it uses and it involves different supports that include the own body, walls, screens, school notebooks that value the visuality, Peirce (2005), Saussure (2012). The understanding of its characteristics surpasses the understanding that it is revealed only if this is accompanied by a textual discourse, that is, from this perspective, it couldn’t emit meanings and, from them, re-signify knowledge, Santaella (2001, 2008, 2012 ). From the assumptions, the teaching of scientific concepts for the deaf should be thought and rethought continuously. The understanding of these assumptions is the starting point that becomes indispensable in learning process, the re-signification of knowledge and the structuring of scientific concepts





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