O currículo da educação infantil : um estudo em escola municipal no assentamento Tarumã Mirim

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The research entitled The curriculum of early childhood education: a study in a county school in the Tarumã Mirim settlement, linked to the Postgraduate Program in Science Education in the Amazon, has its purpose directed by the following question: Which principles of education in rural locations are evidenced in pedagogical practice in pre-school education in Tarumã Mirim settlement? Its general objective is to understand the rural education principles evidenced in pedagogical practice in the kindergarten education in Tarumã Mirim settlement. In order to achieve this purpose, we define as specific research objectives: to identify the conceptions of childhood education and education in rural locations by the teachers and to analyze in the pedagogical practice in early childhood the evidence of education principles in rural locations. The methodological course was based on the qualitative approach of research in education, guided by interviews with teachers and observation of the pedagogical practice in three pre-school classes. The analysis procedures were based on content analysis. In the results and discussions we present that the teachers develop a work focused on the settlement context through the interactions and games based on the current conceptions of childhood. In regard to the education in rural locations, they understand it as a specific space of education for the formation of citizens who have a bond with the land. However, in the curriculum development carried out by the teachers, there was a failure to explore resourses that are present in the context of children such as water, trees, sticks, leaves, shadows, fruits, native seeds or any element of the local flora, using them in interactions and jokes with the children , encouraging their relation with nature. The works directed to the education of the children, even with all commitment, were used, except for some moments, industrialized resources. Keywords Curriculum. Pedagogical Practices. Child Education. Education in Rural Locations.





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