Os saberes tradicionais locais como possibilidades de inserção no ensino de ciências na escola Pedro Reis Ferreira em Parintins - AM
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The present research, entitled The local traditional knowledge as possibilities of insertion in
science education at school Pedro Reis Ferreira in the municipality of Parintins/AM, aims to
understand the local traditional knowledge as possibilities of insertion in science education.
In this way, we seek theoretical contribution in Brasil (1998), Krasilchik (1987), Carvalho
(2009, 2012, 2013), Delizoicov, Angotti e Pernambuco (2011), Diegues (2004), Ferraço
(2005), Goodson (2008) and Arroyo (2011), Chassot, (2008, 2011), Fraxe (2007), Almeida
(2010), among others. The choice of the theme of the research occurred from concerns of
our pedagogical practice elapsed experienced in the city of Parintins-AM, where we
observed that even though teachers training in the area of natural sciences, encounter
barriers and difficulties, to develop a teaching focused on the discipline, in the sense that it
becomes more contextualized, where students can build their knowledge starting from the
school reality and connecting them the to their knowledge of every life. So that the objective
could be achieved, has the qualitative approach, with the techniques of participant
observation with 17 students of the sixth grade of elementary school, semi-structured
interviews with the teacher who teaches the discipline of natural sciences, the principal of the
school and five students ' parents. Also made use of the field journal to record the
perceptions of the researcher during data collection on the site of the research. The data
collected were organized from the Central specific categories, and analyzed, having as
theoretical contribution to analysis of the content of Bardin (1977) from the specific
objectives, enabling the identification of the possibilities of integration of traditional
knowledge in science education in that school. The survey results show that the construction
of knowledge, from traditional knowledge taught by the fathers to the children, is of
paramount importance in the recovery of knowledge historically built through the generations
preceding the students. And, to be inserted in science education at school reality, enable a
more concrete learning of meanings within the natural laboratory, place of life of students
knowledge builders.
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