Criança: o conhecimento científico como direito na escola
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This research portrays the conceptualization of children and childhood from a historical construction to the current conceptions, focusing on the right to education and the effectiveness of the learning of scientific knowledge, and how this can have a direct influence on the construction of children 's culture. Instigated about the effect of scientific knowledge on the life of a child, it has aroused our interest in children's right to have access to this education and also to learn effectively. The objective of this research was to analyze if the teachers of a municipal school in Manaus approach the scientific knowledge provides meaningful learning for children, taking into account even their childhood cultures, as well as to identify how the rights of children to the processes of access, stay in school and learning, giving visibility to the thinking of the children about the science teaching in the schools, from their voices. The achievement of such objectives could only be accomplished in the face of a methodological process that is consistent with the research presuppositions. For this, the method chosen was the phenomenological one, using the qualitative approach as a research strategy, since we wanted to listen to the children's voices and minimize the power relations that often exist between a researcher and study participants. The phenomenon studied here is reflected in the daily life of the teacher and the students in the classroom and the activities that she performs with the children. In the diagnosis, we verified a plurality of didactics that hour repressed the natural development of knowledge by the children from their participation, and now they encouraged the freedom to help in this process. However, we note the enormous effort of some educators in perceiving the need for their role as mediators and responsible for conditions that guarantee children participation as protagonists and the right to an education that respects the specifics of children, based on the perception of their everyday experiences.
Keywords: Scientific knowledge. Right to education. Effectiveness.
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