Ensino de Ciências para surdos através de Software Educacional

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This essay aims to understand how to deal with Science teaching for deaf students of elementary school initial grades and how a computerized resource can be created and used for improving it in the pedagogical practice of teachers, from the use of educative qualities provided by the media language. This research has had four moments. At the first moment, there is a reflection about the deafs´ language, the scientific concepts and the educational software. At the second moment, we improve the development of the research, from the quantitative and qualitative research, legitimized through the techniques of content, observation and interview analyses. The research has focused on the contrastive analyses of three Science educational softwares and in the practice and speech of Sciences teachers of deaf children of a oralist school and a socio-integrationist school. At the third moment, we present the results, which demonstrate that the educational softwares concerning scientific concepts of Science are not appointed for deaf students. The educational softwares, as do the teachers, work on the scientific concepts in a traditional, mechanical and labeled way, not giving the deaf students the opportunity to build their thoughts. Front to these checks, on the fourth moment, we generate a prototype of an educational software, making use of the signs language and the Portuguese language, to work on scientific concepts with deaf students, based on a socio-integrationist view of the deafness, trough a flexible net of concatenated knowledge.





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