A iniciação científica em Parintins/AM: uma análise do programa ciência na escola (PCE)

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


In this paper we present the results of research that sought to understand, from the School Science Program (PCE), proposed by the Foundation of Help the Amazon Research (FAPEAM), the process of scientific initiation (IC). To achieve our purpose, we performed, initially, bibliographic survey about how theorists treat education and science education so that we have a broad panorama of the use or nonuse of the IC in schools, specifically in elementary school; as a result, we know the PCE of FAPEAM, project that originated with the purpose of promoting the active participation of teachers and students of public State and municipal networks of basic education in scientific and technological research projects to be developed and applied in schools; Subsequently, we draft semi-structured questionnaires, which were answered by professors-researchers, coordinators and students-which helped us trace the profile of these subjects, as well as get data that would give argumentative support to analyze the process of IC of PCE, i.e. before, during and after its execution. The research projects studied, as well as the data collected from the subjects involved, were those developed in 2011 in the public schools of Parintins/AM. As theoretical basis, we take as a basis the assumptions of Chassot (2003; 2011), Demo (2010), Amancio (2004), Galiazzi (2011), Orlandi (2001; 2004), Foucault (1996), among others. The research of qualitative nature, allowed to bring to the reflection that is not always the program is seen as a way to IC by public schools, which is why some points require adjustments in order to achieve based on science education in the State of Amazonas.





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