A didática das ciências na formação de professores de química e biologia: articulações entre os conhecimentos específicos das áreas de formação e o fazer pedagógico

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


Research on training of science teachers, especially in courses in Chemistry and Biology at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Amazonas (IFAM), centered on the following problem: The design and implementation of a Plan of Action for the Undergraduate Courses in Chemistry and Biology, in implementing the discipline of sciences didactics, contributes significantly to teachers in training to create ways to minimize the dichotomy between specific knowledge in the area of training with the pedagogical practice? The methodological approach developed from a qualitative approach, legitimized by Action Research, focusing on a Plan of Action, which the techniques used were: Participant Observation and Life History, trough activities with autobiographical. The development and implementation of the Action Plan helped to create ways that minimized the dichotomy between the specific knowledge and pedagogical practice, that is present in the formation of those undergraduates who were, together with the researcher, the research subjects.





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