Aprendizagem significativa sobre a dengue em espaços educativos
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The learning of science in educational becomes positive when students can make
associations with their experienced reality, for better understanding and clarity in the
formative aspect of science content. This research sought to use the Theory of
Meaningful Learning and educational spaces having as theme dengue disease. It was
emphasized mosquito Aedes aegypti characteristics, life cycle, breeding ground, as well
as the symptoms, transmission, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. The aim
of this study was to analyze the possibility of meaningful learning in educational
environments using dengue in the learning process. The students visited the
institutionalized non-formal educational spaces, Laboratory of Malaria and Dengue and
the Forest Science belonging to the National Institute for Research in the Amazon -
INPA. This is a qualitative research, and the techniques used were observation,
questionnaires and interviews. The study subjects were 33 students in a class of seventh
year of morning shift of elementary school of a school of public network of Manaus. It
was concluded that it was possible application of the Theory of Meaningful Learning in
educational spaces, inside and outside the school environment sharpening the prior
knowledge of the students who had the opportunity to learn beyond the classroom,
expanding to different places and making new discoveries, expanding on practice the
content presented. Given this, we can say that the students learned significantly in
educational spaces using the dengue issue in the learning process.
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