Do rufar do tambor com crianças à educação científica : uma abordagem a partir da escola de arte do boi Caprichoso
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The present work presents in its title “from the song of the drum with children to the scientific education an approach from the Boi Caprichoso art school”. It has as objective to identify how the children work the scientific concept in the workshop of percussion at Boi Caprichoso art school aking of realizing scientific education. It presents theorical support founded in the sociology of childhood and this way it gets evidencing the child like a social actor and constructor of culture in the relationship with their pairs and the difference with the adult people. It is also composed of itself feeling and it is able to resignify the context where the children live. The researching was realized at Boi Caprichoso art school in the Parintins city. It’s a qualitative approaching of ethnographical study. It has in its proceduring of method the participant observation and it is an instrument to the construction of the dates. It’s was used a small tape record, daily of searching and the camera. The children who participate of this searching are 15 students that make part the workshop of percussion and an art educator like central personalities. In this convivence was possible listen to the children’s voices in the non-formal space of the art school and was observed that the children have knowledges of scientific concepts and from them was observed that they are able to do scientific education. It was observed too that matched subjects with the percussion they show themselves on relevant and significant way for their lives. It’s evidencing possibility to do scientific education. Key-words: Childhood. Culture. Science. Sociology of childhood. Non-formal spaces
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